String Function – CHAR()

I am going to continue my series of very short articles or tidbits on Transaction SQL string functions. I will exploring the CHAR() function today. The CHAR() function takes an integer value, ASCII code, from 0 to 255 and returns a single character string. The following example returns the character ‘0’ given the ASCII code of 48. [crayon-6648b74a7e2e9085555645/] [crayon-6648b74a7e2f2562045259/] One thing to always worry about when using TSQL functions is how will it react with a UNKNOWN or NULL values? [crayon-6648b74a7e2f4597392355/] [crayon-6648b74a7e2f6759153511/] Another thing to test is how the function … Continue reading String Function – CHAR()